born in Cordoba, Argentina, studied art at LSEUR private institute for seven years, in the eighty years I frequent workshops with teachers with degrees in art and in 1995 held his first exhibition in succession to he following e `xPON in museums in the province, rooms and halls casinos municipalities, in the year 2000 opens with others a permanent exhibition hall bar which showed the work every month. In the year 2001 a part of the room holiday inn, in 2002 the city hall cba, in the years 2005 to win first place with the right to exposure of N prestijioso
en el a�o 2006 ingresa a la galeria Espacio centro en cordoba cap. y realiza alli muestras indibiduales con otros grande artistas de la ciudad y del pais
en 2009 ingresa al seleccion final del premio mas importante de la ciudad , premio BANCO DE CBA , BANCOR muestra final de dicho premio noviembre a�o 2009 , posteriormente enters the final selection BANCOR Award 2010 made with the sponsorship of teacher Calre alonso in the Evita Museum, Palacio dela FERREYRA cba City in 2010 performed shows at the gallery NOTRE DAME in the city of Buenos Aires chap.